Sunday, September 6, 2009

Bronze Double Grand Champion

Jazz (Mainelymagic The Jazzman P) is now a Bronze Double Grand Champion. He got the requisite number of points at the last show but one and now we are plugging away aiming for silver and possibly gold (the top award possible)

I am very proud of my pink and white boy. He has been a great cat to show, he has an unflappable nature and takes the whole thing in his stride. It is wonderful that a poly, and a Gen 3 cat (in NZ we call F1, F2 etc Gen1 and Gen2) who is not even on the full register yet has done so well. The first year for showing polys has been a success. I never thought this time last year that I would be writing this, just goes to show what dogged perseverance can do (that and a hard head LOL)


Soozn =^.^=
Mainelymagic Maine Coons

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