Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Maine Coon polydactyl for Championship status

In September of 2009 twenty five members of PolyStandard submitted an Application to TICA for Advancement of a New Trait (polydactylism) to Championship Status. This Application will be voted on by the members of the TICA Maine Coon Breed section in December of 2009. Should the vote be favourable, Breeders and Fanciers of TICA will be able to show the Maine Coon polydactyl for Titles and Points beginning May 1st 2010, thus becoming the second major Cat Association in the World to accept the MC poly for Championship Status. This will follow the New Zealand Cat Fancy's approval of the MC poly in the Show Ring at the beginning of 2009. PolyStandard encourages you, if you are a TICA member, to make your voice be heard by voting on this proposal. Of course we invite you to Vote YES. We thank you in advance! A copy of our Rationale for submitting the Application with supporting documentation can be viewed by clicking HERE!

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